Chip 1998 January
CHIP Turkiye Ocak 1998.iso
Text File
3,342 lines
object TipsForm: TTipsForm
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Lines.Strings = (
'Version History'
'v1.40 7/11/97'
' 1. All The ListView fields were changed to be sortable ascendin' +
'g and descending when you click on the column header.'
' 2. Fields in the Setup form were expanded to allow for large fo' +
' 3. The Custom CPU monitor and the Performance CPU monitor now B' +
'OTH monitor CPU usage accurately.'
' 4. Added option to log variable TechFacts data into a local or ' +
'remote log. Log can be invoked every x minutes, when TechFacts 9' +
'5 starts or when processes start or end.'
' 5. Added ability to set logging option on Performance monitor i' +
'tems by Checking or UnChecking option on performance monitor opt' +
'ions using right mouse click over any performance monitor. Only ' +
#39'Checked'#39' items will be written with performance data in the log' +
' 6. Added new SPY function: Heap usage by Process. Lists the Fix' +
'ed, Free and Moveable Heap sizes for every process on your syste' +
' 7. Corrected non-display of totals when invoking certain SPY fu' +
' 8. Added ZIP\LZH search option to the Search menu. Will list al' +
'l the files found in ZIP\LZH compressed files on your local or r' +
'emote drives.'
' 9. Added new function under SYSTEM menu to list all the devices' +
' on your system as known by Windows. This includes cards, monito' +
'rs, printers and device drivers.'
'10. Added new Network functions: PING, TRACE and ECHO. These fun' +
'ctions can be used to verify network\internet connections and we' +
'll as trace routing to specific sites and echo messages to serve' +
'11. Added ability to view TechFacts logs on the CONFIG file view' +
'12. Saved Custom File names into registry on the CONFIG file vie' +
'13. Changed all registry entries for TechFacts to be prefixed wi' +
'th '#39's'#39'-string '#39'b'#39'-boolean or '#39'i'#39'-integer to allow for consistant' +
' updating of ini files.'
'14. Added new SECURITY Features. Using the options on the config' +
'uration form you can add password security to maximize, close or' +
' modify TechFacts 95 options.'
'15. Added new TWEAK menu with options to view and modify common ' +
'UI settings including desktop, reboot and MSDOS.SYS options.'
'16. Added new PROCESS HEAP option on SPY menu. This shows the he' +
'ap usage for all processes: Free, Fixed and Moveable as well as ' +
'the number of blocks. Can also be logged using the new log funct' +
'17. Updated the embedded help to have buttons for changing fonts' +
' and loading external help files.'
'18. Updated the interval setting for the performance monitor to ' +
'have tighter resolution down to 1/10 second updates.'
'19. Added a printer setup option to the "File" menu.'
'20. Added new options on Configuration form to let you set the P' +
'rinting options, including columnar data and printer font.'
'21. Added new configuration option that lets you decide whether ' +
'TechFacts data in columns will be shown in default column size o' +
'r based on the largest data.'
'22. Reworked the print engine to better format output using prin' +
'ter fonts and new column specifications.'
'23. Added horizontal list bars on the DLL search so you can scan' +
' the DLL data easier.'
'24. Added options on the "File" menu that lets you save & load T' +
'echFacts 95 registry configuration values to a file.'
'v1.30 3/7/97'
' 1. New Feature: "Move It!". This utility will scan INI files, P' +
'rogram Groups, Shortcuts, Links and the Registry for references ' +
'to a file or folder and will replace them with a new File\Folder' +
'. Necessary when you move apps to new locations or drives.'
' 2. New Feature: "String Search". This function will search for ' +
'strings across all files on local or remote drives. Includes spe' +
'cialized searches to scan INI files, the Registry, Long File Nam' +
'es, ShortCut .LNK files and Program Group files. Extremely power' +
'ful and Fast.'
' 3. Added Module Name+Path to the Module List function.'
' 4. Corrected bug that did not show details for modules when dou' +
' 5. Added scroll bars to all Lists so that all data could be vie' +
' 6. Changed format of lists to show full width of string data in' +
' last column.'
' 7. Modified program to not autoload MAPI32.DLL, so now it runs ' +
'ok if MAPI is not on the system.'
' 8. Corrected bug that would prevent TechFacts 95 from being ope' +
'ned when it is an icon in the system tray. Was caused by a scree' +
'n capture failure leaving the left position at -3000 in the regi' +
' 9. Corrected bug that prevented the "Capture Specific Portion" ' +
'of the screen capture function from working.'
'10. Updated Screen Capture utility to repaint the captured image' +
' on the display form when the size of the captured image changed' +
'11. Modified the embedded help so that it can be read\accessed w' +
'hile you are still using the program.'
'12. Updated all forms to handle Large Fonts or different screen ' +
'resolutions that were causing text and buttons to be scrunched.'
'13. Automated the custom monitor resize routine so that custom m' +
'onitors always fill the form area.'
'14. Added a "Delete Duplicate" file to the duplicate search.'
'v1.20 2/1/97'
' 1. NEW search for all icons in windows files. Lists all icons t' +
'hat it finds imbedded in EXE, ICO, DLL, etc.. files. Save icons ' +
'to new icon files.'
' 2. NEW search for version information from all EXE, DLL, DRV & ' +
'VXD files. Lets you see what program versions you have and what ' +
'OS they will run on, who wrote them and other manufacturer infor' +
' 3. Updated all buttons to be "Windows Explorer" type where they' +
' automatically "show up" when you pass the mouse over them.'
' 4. Got rid of references to ShowMan and WatchMan on the main ca' +
' 5. Corrected bug in "Disk Usage" that only allowed it to be run' +
' once without restarting TechFacts95.'
' 6. Corrected bug that allowed you to run multiple file searches' +
' at once, causing GPFs.'
' 7. Added capability in "System Watch" for system to reboot and ' +
'the watch to carry on. This involved setting TechFacts to run au' +
'tomatically through the registry. There is a checkbox on the for' +
'm to disable this feature as well.'
' 8. Added new capability to have "Process Monitor" automatically' +
' start when InfoSpy is started. There is a new checkbox to enabl' +
'e\disable this feature on the "Startup" tab in configuration.'
' 9. Added code behind the "Add" and "Delete" buttons for INI fil' +
'es in the system watch.'
'10. Provided '#39'hints'#39' for the rest of the buttons.'
'11. Added a new configuration option that lets you specify the i' +
'nterval between refreshing the monitors. Default is 1000 ms, how' +
'ever you can adjust from 250ms to 10000ms.'
'12. Corrected bug with the '#39'clear before search'#39' feature which w' +
'asn'#39't clearing the list before starting a new search... it is no' +
'13. Added Vertical splitter bars to all the search functions. Th' +
'is '#39'RED'#39' bar allows you to dynamically resize the search criteri' +
'a panel.'
'14. Reworked the DLL search feature. Got rid of the pesky drive ' +
'window that appeared and replaced it with a search criteria pane' +
'l. Also added a button to allow duplicate DLLs to be deleted. Al' +
'so provided true '#39'Abort'#39' capability to end the DLL search at any' +
' time.'
'15. Corrected problems with the Print Preview coming up with wei' +
'rd fonts and not saving font changes.'
'16. Updated the Key for TechFacts in the registry so that the Ve' +
'rsion number was not part of the key but is now just a data valu' +
'e within the CONFIG value section.'
'17. Added a PASTE button which will paste from the clipboard to ' +
'any non-columnar panels.'
'18. Added a command line query to allow users to see command lin' +
'e options without going into help, run Techfacts like this "TEKF' +
'CT95 ?".'
'19. You can now preload the TechFacts 95 configuration from an a' +
'scii file. This is useful when you distribute TechFacts 95 to us' +
'ers and want them to have a set configuration. The file can be d' +
'efaulted to the TechFacts 95 directory or you can provide a loca' +
'l or network path.'
'20. Added an option in the configuration form to set the SMTP de' +
'fault port. The port defaults to 80 however some users complaine' +
'd of different port usage.'
'21. Reworked the main menu, modified the '#39'Action'#39' menu options a' +
'nd moved all email\fax options to the new '#39'Email\Fax'#39' menu.'
'22. Added capability to create new empty MAPI and SMTP emails, e' +
'asier than invoking other email programs.'
'23. Added ability to create a blank detail form which can be use' +
'd to paste multiple pieces of data. Helps consolidate snapshots ' +
'of systems.'
'24. The detail form now has the ability to send MAPI and SMTP em' +
'25. Made the '#39'Clear'#39' button work with the DLL Search listboxes.'
'26. The size and position of the detail form is now saved for fu' +
'ture positioning.'
'27. Cleanup of internet email form so that it handles Winsock er' +
'rors cleaner and works better with RAS dialers.'
'v1.10 1/10/97'
' 1. Updated to handle Process and CPU based monitoring.'
' 2. Updated to handle 32bit Winsock and MAPI drivers.'
'v1.00 10/1/96'
' 1. Conversion of TechFacts 3.1x to Delphi 2.0 for 32bit'
'000 Version History')
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object ListBox2: TListBox
Left = 256
Top = 288
Width = 92
Height = 90
ItemHeight = 13
Items.Strings = (
'000 TechFacts 95 Overview'
'003 Installing TechFacts 95'
'004 Uninstalling TechFacts 95'
'001 Starting the Program'
'002 Closing the Program'
'005 Command Line Options/Pre-Load Config'
'008 Saving & Loading Configuration to a File'
'007 Using TechFacts 95 Controls'
'010 Configuring TechFacts 95'
'020 The Monitor Tab'
'040 The Spy Tab'
'060 The System Tab'
'080 The Action Tab'
'100 The Tools Tab'
'120 The Config Tab'
'140 The Search Tab'
'340 The Network Tab'
'400 The Tweak Tab'
'160 Internet Email'
'180 MAPI Email'
'200 Using the Detail Form'
'220 Sending a Tech Fax'
'240 Glossary of Terms'
'300 Using TechFacts as a Technical Support Tool'
'360 Known Problems and Bugs'
'997 Version History')
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object Panel3: TPanel
Left = 1
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object RichEdit0: TMemo
Left = 8
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Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts 95 Overview'
'TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95/NT tool that empowers you ' +
'to diagnose, solve and report Windows problems.'
'TechFacts is structured into 3 seperate areas:'
' 1. A Resource \ Disk \ CPU \ Memory monitor with several unique' +
' views and individual alarms.'
' 2. A Spy \ Trace \ Diagnostic tool that explores all aspects of' +
' Windows.'
' 3. A powerful reporting tool that lets you transmit TechFacts i' +
'nformation via 3 different communications options.'
'TechFacts is unique in that it is 100% self contained. The Setup' +
' program, the executable and the Help file are all inclusive in ' +
'the EXE file.'
TabOrder = 3
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit1: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 56
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Starting TechFacts 95'
'TechFacts 95 can be opened in several different ways:'
'1, From an icon or shortcut to the executable.'
'2. By another program.'
'3. From the DOS command line with line command options.'
'002 Ending TechFacts 95')
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WordWrap = False
object RichEdit2: TMemo
Left = 48
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Lines.Strings = (
'How to End TechFacts 95'
'You can close TechFacts 95 in 3 different ways:'
'1. Click on the '#39'X'#39' in upper right corner of the TechFacts windo' +
'2. Click on the '#39'X'#39' button in the TechFacts toolbar.'
'3. User the "Exit" menu option in the "File" menu.'
'When you close TechFacts 95 it remember the position and size of' +
' the TechFacts window so that it can be restored for your next s' +
'000 How to End TechFacts 95')
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WordWrap = False
object RichEdit10: TMemo
Left = 8
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Lines.Strings = (
'Configuring TechFacts 95'
'TechFacts 95 can be configured dynamically during use. Changes t' +
'o configuration take effect immediately.'
'To invoke the Configuration form, click on the Configure speedbu' +
'tton or select the "Configure" option from the "File" menu. Eith' +
'er of these options will cause the configure form to be displaye' +
'd. To close this form, click on "Save" to save any changes you ' +
'made, or "Cancel" to close without saving any changes you made.'
'The configuration form provides several tabs which relate to dif' +
'ferent functional areas of TechFacts. You can modify items on an' +
'y of the tabs as follows:'
'General Tab:'
' - Monitor refresh interval. This is the number of ms bet' +
'ween each refresh of the custom monitors. From 250ms to 10000ms ' +
'in intervals of 250.'
' - Name on Faxes and Email. A descriptive name that will ' +
'be automatically posted onto faxes & emails you send using TechF' +
' - Default identifier. A shorter name\id that will get wr' +
'itten to alarm and capture logs.'
' - General font. The font that will be used on all TechFa' +
'cts displays is shown. Use the speedbutton to select a different' +
' font, size or color.'
'Startup Tab:'
' - Start TechFacts as a:'
' Monitor Window. This is a normal display mode.'
' Icon. TechFacts will immediately reside in the system ' +
'Alarms Tab:'
' - Audible Alarms. Any resource\performance alarm will ca' +
'use a speaker sound or a multimedia alarm.'
' - Display Warning. Indicate that an alarm has triggered ' +
'with a message to the user.'
' - Log to file. Make an entry to the TechFacts log file i' +
'ndicating the alarm, date, time and user id.'
' - Log File Name. Indicate the path and filename for the ' +
'TechFacts log file. Can be local or network. The Browse button c' +
'an be used to explore local\network drives.'
'MAPI Tab:'
' - Allow use. This checkbox will enable\disable the use o' +
'f MAPI email by TechFacts.'
' - Default Recipient'#39's Email. By entering a MAPI email ad' +
'dress here, your system'#39's MAPI email interface will automaticall' +
'y address the email.'
' - Default subject. This field allows a standard subject ' +
'to be attached to all MAPI emails, ie: Tech Support.'
'SMTP Tab:'
' - Allow use. This checkbox will enable\disable the use o' +
'f SMTP email by TechFacts.'
' - Default Recipient'#39's Email. By entering an internet ema' +
'il address here, TechFacts will automatically address the email ' +
'when sent.'
' - Default subject. This field allows a standard subject ' +
'to be attached to all internet emails, ie: Tech Support.'
' - SMTP server. This is the name or address of your inter' +
'net email SMTP mail server. It may be a proxy or you can determi' +
'ne it by examining the Options menu under Netscape Navigator or ' +
'Microsoft Internet Explorer or other browsers.'
' - Your email. This is your email address on the mail ser' +
' - Encoding. Select UUEncode (default) or Mime encoding f' +
'or attachments on the email.'
' - Character set. Select either US Ascii (default) or ISO' +
'-8859-1 character sets.'
'Search Tab:'
' - Clear list. Automatically have Techfacts clear all pri' +
'or search results before starting any new searches.'
' - Icon sizing. This determines the spacing between icons' +
' in the search results panel. From 38pixels to 100 pixels.'
'Fax Tab:'
' - Allow use. This checkbox will enable\disable the use o' +
'f TechFax fax utility by TechFacts.'
' - Port. Indicate which COM port your fax\modem resides o' +
' - Modem. Select either "Default Fax\Modem" (default) or ' +
'select a specific fax modem from the drop-down list. You may con' +
'figure the fax\modem command set by clicking on the "Configure" ' +
' - Baud Rate. Use the drop-down list to select a MAXIMUM ' +
'speed for your fax\modem.'
' - Station Id. This is the identifier that appears at the' +
' top of the fax to indicate to the recipient where the fax origi' +
' - Default Fax number. You may enter a default phone numb' +
'er that appears when the fax utility is invoked.'
' - Prefix. You may enter a dial prefix that appears when ' +
'the fax utility is invoked.'
' - Header Message. This message appears at the top of all' +
' faxes and may be used for names, organizations or other message' +
'Security Tab'
' - Security on TechFacts 95 being closed. Click on this o' +
'ption to have a password required in order to close the program.'
' - Security on Maximizing TechFacts 95. Click on this opt' +
'ion to require a password to maximize TechFacts 95 from an icon.'
' - Security on modifying options. Click on this option to' +
' require a password in order to change the TechFacts 95 options.'
' - Security on modifying system settings. Click on this o' +
'ption to require a password to use the Tweak function to change ' +
'Windows settings.'
' - Password Entry. Click on this button to use a password' +
' entry form to enter or change your TechFacts 95 password.'
'Print Tab'
' - Print Columnar data using column widths. This option w' +
'ill use default widths of the columns on which the data appears ' +
'while printing.'
' - Print Columnar data using maximum data width. This opt' +
'ion will force data to be printed using the width of the largest' +
' data item in each column.'
' - Add to column width. This option will force a number o' +
'f extra bytes of data per column to be printed.'
' - Print Font. Use this button to change the printer font' +
', size, color and style.'
TabOrder = 6
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit3: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 56
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Installing TechFacts 95'
'TechFacts 95 is a self-installing Windows 95 application. It can' +
' be put into any local or network directory and run with no othe' +
'r programs or utilities required.'
'The first time TechFacts 95 is run on a system it will automatic' +
'ally invoke an embedded "Setup Wizard" which walks you through s' +
'etting up several key pieces of information that TechFacts 95 ne' +
'eds to put in the registry.'
'The wizard also lets you setup '#39'Explorer'#39' Folders for TechFacts ' +
'95 and the Uninstall option for the program.'
'TechFacts 95 only inserts items on your system in the following ' +
'1. The directory where TechFacts 95 is run from will may contain' +
' log files and an uninstall batch file.'
'2. The Windows Registry under the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key will h' +
'ave a "Dean Software" entry under the "Software" key. Within thi' +
's sub-key will be a TechFacts 95 entry.'
'TechFacts 95 added no DLLs, Device drivers, INI files or Help fi' +
'les to your system.'
'004 Uninstalling TechFacts 95')
TabOrder = 7
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit4: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 56
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Uninstalling TechFacts 95'
'When you ran the "Setup Wizard" you were given the option of hav' +
'ing an Uninstall icon added to the TechFacts 95 folder. If you h' +
'ave this icon then simply double-click on it and follow the inst' +
'If you do not have the icon then uninstalling TechFacts 95 requi' +
'res these steps:'
'1. Using Windows "REGEDIT" registry editor remove the "TechFacts' +
' 95" key in the "Software" area of the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key.'
'2. Delete the contents of the TechFacts 95 directory in which th' +
'e program was placed.'
'3. Remove the TechFacts 95 subdirectory.'
'You do not need to reboot your system.'
TabOrder = 8
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit998: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 344
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Registration Information'
'TechFacts 95 Registration Fee: $19.99 + shipping and handling (s' +
'ee table below)'
'Registration options:'
'1. Use your visa\mc\amex on the ALTUS SOFTWARE secure online reg' +
'istration site. Use your browser to go to: "http://www.axxis.com' +
'2. Call Toll Free (u.s. only) 1-888-AT-ALTUS (1-888-282-5887) Mo' +
'n-Sat 9:00 am - 10:00 pm (mst).'
'3. Canada, Mexico & International call 1-801-523-8221'
'4. U.S. and International FAX: 1-801-576-5663 (use the Fax & Ema' +
'il order form)'
'5. Email ordering: send an email to altus@axxis.com (use the Fax' +
' & Email order form)'
'6. You can register online with Compuserve (members only). Use G' +
'O SWREG. Inside the software registration forum follow the instr' +
'uctions and use registration id 14213'
'7. You may also send a cheque for $19.99 + shipping & handling t' +
'o Dean Software Design P.O. Box 13032 Mill Creek, WA 98082-103' +
'Shipping & Handling Charges:'
'U.S.: $1.00'
'Canada & Mexico: $2.00'
'Europe, Asia, other: $3.00'
'Overnight U.S. only: $12.00'
'You must provide the information on the order form for Fax, Emai' +
'l and Postal registrations.'
'Click on the Next button to view and print the order form!'
'999 registration forms')
TabOrder = 10
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit999: TMemo
Left = 80
Top = 344
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts 95 Order Form'
'To: Dean Software Design'
' P.O. Box 13032'
' Mill Creek, WA 98082-1032'
'From: __________________________________'
' __________________________________'
' __________________________________'
'Phone: ( ) _________________________'
'Email: _________________________________'
'I would like to order ________ copies of TechFacts 95 at $19.99 ' +
'per copy'
'For every copy ordered, add the following shipping and handling ' +
'fee: U.S. $1.00 per copy. Canada & Mexico: $1.50 per copy. Euro' +
'pe & Asia: $2.00 per copy.'
'Total purchase amount: $________________'
'Payment: Enclosed Check or Money order for $____________________'
'My Visa ______ or MC ______ number is: _______________________ E' +
'xpiry Date: ______________'
'Instead of mailing a diskette, I would like a key for version: _' +
'_________ emailed to: ____________________________'
'996 fax \ email order form')
TabOrder = 11
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit5: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 80
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Command Line Options / Preloading Config Options'
'There are several command line options you can issue with TechFa' +
'cts 95, they are all optional, however you can only issue 1 comm' +
'and line option at a time.'
'1. Quick help on Command: "TEKFCT95 ?" . This will show a dialo' +
'g with the options available then exit the program.'
'2. Uninstall: "TEKFCT95 /Uninstall". Causes TechFacts 95 to unin' +
'stall itself from your system.'
'3. Pre-load config options: "TEKFCT95 /LoadFile xxxxxx.xxxx" whe' +
're xxxxxx.xxx is the name of the preload file.'
'The pre-load file is an ascii text file containing INI style rep' +
'resentation of the registry values for TechFacts 95 configuratio' +
'n. The easiest way to create a file is to use the "Save Config t' +
'o File" option under the "File" menu. (see help page on that top' +
'ic by clicking on Next).'
'You do not need to have lines in this file for items you do not ' +
'want set. Each is optional.'
'008 saving && loading configuration to a file')
TabOrder = 14
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit7: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 80
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Using TechFacts 95 Controls'
'Controls within this program include buttons, tab sheets and dat' +
'a areas.'
'Buttons. TechFacts incorporates the new Windows 97 style of but' +
'ton found in programs such as internet explorer while also utili' +
'zing standard buttons and buttons with bitmaps. '
'Tab Sheets. Tab sheets allow you to display many different types' +
' of data within a set viewing area. You change what you see by c' +
'licking on a different tab name. Changing tabs does not cause d' +
'ata in non-visible tabs to be erased, it simply pushes it behind' +
' the visible tab.'
'Data Areas. TechFacts 95 uses RichEdit, ListView and custom data' +
' areas. '
TabOrder = 15
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit20: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 104
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Monitor Functions'
'The Monitor tab provides functions that let you monitor disk, re' +
'sources, memory, performance and activities.'
'When you click on the Monitor tab you will be shown several moni' +
'tor buttons. To select a monitor click on the specific button.'
'All program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are ' +
'available once data is displayed for a monitor.'
'021 Custom Monitors')
TabOrder = 18
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 264
Top = 8
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
TabOrder = 19
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit21: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 104
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Custom Monitors'
'Custom Monitors are available to monitor CPU usage, Disk usage, ' +
'GDI, USER and System Memory. There are 4 seperate monitors whic' +
'h can be set as needed.'
'A custom monitor is divided into 3 sections - The Title, the gra' +
'ph and the text. You can modify the type and appearance of a mon' +
'itor by Right-Clicking your mouse on the title or text portion o' +
'f each of the 4 monitors. After a click you will be shown a menu' +
' with 4 options:'
'1. What to Monitor - select the system resource to monitor.'
'2. Monitor Type - select either a Horizontal or Vertical bar gra' +
'ph, a Pie chart or a needle graph.'
'3. Alarms Settings - Determine the alarm level to trigger alarms' +
' at.'
'4. Reset this Alarm - Once an alarm has triggered use this optio' +
'n to reset the alarm for retrigger.'
'When TechFacts is resized the monitor will also resize.'
'022 Performance Monitors')
TabOrder = 20
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit22: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 104
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Performance Monitors'
'Performance Monitors are available to monitor the performance ke' +
'ys within the Window registry. These keys are dynamic and may ch' +
'ange from session to session.'
'023 Process Monitor')
TabOrder = 21
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit23: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 104
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Process Monitor'
'The Process Monitor is a dynamic way of watching processes start' +
' or finish. A process may be a program or an application that yo' +
'u start or that Windows invokes.'
'When the process monitor is started you will see the data form f' +
'ill with information about processes that are already active. On' +
'ce invoked, all new processes or processes that terminate will c' +
'ause an additional line to be entered into the data form.'
'To terminate the process monitor click on the "Stop Monitor" but' +
'The data form may be printed, saved to file or copied to clipboa' +
'rd using the menu options or speedbar buttons.'
'000 ')
TabOrder = 22
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit996: TMemo
Left = 112
Top = 344
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts 95 Fax && Email Order Form'
'Your Name:'
'Company Name:'
'Billing Address (address credit card bill is sent to):'
' Street Address:'
' City:'
' State\Prov:'
' Zipcode:'
' Country:'
'Mailing address (if different than above):'
' Street Address:'
' City:'
' State\Prov:'
' Zipcode:'
' Country:'
'Home Phone Number:'
'Work Phone Number:'
'E-Mail Address:'
'Credit Card Information'
' Type (visa\mc\amex):'
' Account Number:'
' Expiration Date:'
'Software To Order'
' Title:'
' Quantity:'
' Total Software Amount:'
' Total Shipping & handling amount:'
' Total Order Amount:'
' I would like a registration key sent to me (y/n):'
'If Faxed or e-mailed, please include the following language (and' +
' sign if Faxed):'
'I authorize AXXIS(TM) Internet to bill my credit card and agree ' +
'to pay the total amount according to card issuer agreement.'
'___________________________ __________________'
'Signature Date'
TabOrder = 23
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit40: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Spy Functions'
'The Spy tab provides functions that let you examine Processes, M' +
'odules, Threads, Heaps, Windows and Atoms.'
'When you click on the Spy tab you will be shown several buttons.' +
' To select a Spy function click on the specific button.'
'All program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are ' +
'available once data is displayed for in the Spy Window.'
'Data in this window is displayed in sortable\sizeable columns. Y' +
'ou can sort the data by clicking on any column header and you ca' +
'n size any column by dragging on the column separation line.'
'Spy data can be '#39'drilled'#39' to a lower level of detail. Double-cli' +
'ck on the data in the first column in order to invoke the detail' +
' form.'
'041 Spying on Processes')
TabOrder = 24
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit41: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Processes'
'This function provides you with a list of all processes running ' +
'under Windows 95. This is valuable in determining whether there ' +
'are programs or applications or applets that are running outside' +
' expected parameters.'
'The following information is displayed:'
'Process - The name of the process as registered with Windows.'
'Process ID - The '#39'handle'#39' or identifier Windows uses for this pr' +
'Module ID - The '#39'handle'#39' or identifier for the physical module t' +
'hat was loaded for this process.'
'Priority - How Windows treats this process: Low, Medium or High.'
'Full Name - The full path and file name of the applications'#39's mo' +
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'You can get additional details of the Process by Double-Clicking' +
' on the Process Name for which you want more details.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'042 Module information')
TabOrder = 25
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit42: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Modules'
'This function provides you with a list of all DLLs (modules) tha' +
't a specific process loaded. Since Windows 95 provides an addres' +
's space for each process, the modules loaded for a specific proc' +
'ess will be different than other processes (unlike Windows 3.1x ' +
'which shared all modules between tasks).'
'This data returned from this lookup is:'
'Module Name - The file name of the loaded module. To get the pat' +
'h, use the Detail screen (see below).'
'Module ID - The '#39'handle'#39' or identifier assigned by Windows for t' +
'his module.'
'Global Count - The number of times Windows programs or modules h' +
'ave globally referenced this module.'
'Process Count - The number of times the parent process of the mo' +
'dule has referenced this module.'
'Size - The size in bytes of the memory used by this module.'
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'You can get additional details on a Module by Double-Clicking on' +
' the Module Name for which you want more details.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'043 Thread information')
TabOrder = 26
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit340: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 272
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'The Network Tab'
'The options on this tab let you examine the performance and avai' +
'lability of network resources.'
'Since not all users have networks or access the internet, these ' +
'options will disable themselves if the needed Windows 95 DLLs ar' +
'e not loaded by the operating system.'
'Available network functions:'
'List Network Resources'
'341 the ping function')
TabOrder = 31
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit341: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 272
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'The Ping Function'
'The Ping function is used to check for the availability (connect' +
'ivity) of a given network resource.'
'You can use this function to check for Servers, Clients, Interne' +
't URLs, IP addresses and other IP based entities.'
'Enter the IP address or Host Name in the entry field and click o' +
'n the "Ping" button.'
'The diagnostic list will detail the steps taken and the replies ' +
'received from the requested resource.'
'You can print, copy to clipboard or save the results to a disk f' +
'342 the trace function')
TabOrder = 34
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit342: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 272
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'The Trace Function'
'The Trace function allows you to view the route that the network' +
' took to get to the destination ip address or host name that you' +
' specify.'
'You can use this tool to help optimize network routing or indica' +
'te where network traffic exists or is being delayed.'
'Enter the IP address or Host Name in the entry field and click o' +
'n the "Trace" button.'
'The diagnostic list will detail the steps taken and the replies ' +
'received from the requested resource as well as the names and ip' +
' addresses of each network resource that was used on the way to ' +
'the destination.'
'You can print, copy to clipboard or save the results to a disk f' +
'If you find that the trace is taking too much time or has reache' +
'd an impass, click on the "Cancel" button.'
'343 the echo function')
TabOrder = 33
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit343: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 272
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'The Echo Function'
'The Echo function allows you to send a message to the Echo port ' +
'on a network resource which in turn will process the message and' +
' return it to you.'
'You can use this tool to help diagnose network traffic and timin' +
'g issues as well as a better indicator of whether a network reso' +
'urce is available.'
'Enter the IP address or Host Name in the entry field and then ei' +
'ther use the default message we provide or enter your own messag' +
'You can also specify the echo port, the interval between echo at' +
'tempts as well as the number of attempts within an echo session.'
'Click on the "Echo" button to begin the echo session.'
'The diagnostic list will detail the steps taken and the replies ' +
'received from the requested resource.'
'You can print, copy to clipboard or save the results to a disk f' +
'If you find that the echo is taking too much time or has reached' +
' an impass, click on the "Stop" button.'
'344 listing network resources')
TabOrder = 32
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit160: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 296
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Sending Internet Email'
'Any TechFacts 95 data can be transmitted to any internet email a' +
'ddress using the embedded SMTP internet email module. Requireme' +
'nts: An SMTP mailserver account via your internet provider or pr' +
'oxy. If you can send email via Netscape Navigator or Internet E' +
'xplorer then you can use this feature.'
'Once you have displayed data in any of the TechFacts tabs except' +
' "Action" then you can either choose the "Send Internet Email" o' +
'ption under the "Action" menu or use the Internet Email button o' +
'n the speedbar.'
'You will be given an email form with a default recipient (if app' +
'licable) already filled in and the data from TechFacts as the bo' +
'dy of the message.'
'You can add attachments, change the recipient or subject or modi' +
'fy the body of the text. When ready, click on the "Send" button ' +
'to send the message.'
TabOrder = 35
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit220: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 320
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Sending a Tech Fax'
'Any TechFacts 95 data can be transmitted via the embedded TechFa' +
'cts Fax software. Requirements: A Fax-Modem, a phone-line and a ' +
'recipient'#39's fax number.'
'Once you have displayed data in any of the TechFacts tabs except' +
' "Action" then you can either choose the "TechFax Fax Utility" o' +
'ption under the "Action" menu or use the TechFax button on the s' +
'You will be given a form with information regarding the fax reci' +
'pient. You can change the recipient or subject . When ready, cli' +
'ck on the "Send" button to send the fax.'
TabOrder = 38
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit180: TMemo
Left = 45
Top = 296
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Sending MAPI Email'
'Any TechFacts 95 data can be transmitted to any MAPI enabled net' +
'work email address using the embedded MAPI email module. Requir' +
'ements: MAPI email such as that included in Windows for Workgrou' +
'ps or Windows 95 as well as a mailbox.'
'Once you have displayed data in any of the TechFacts tabs except' +
' "Action" then you can either choose the "Send MAPI Email" optio' +
'n under the "Action" menu or use the MAPI Email button on the sp' +
'You will be given an email form with a default recipient (if app' +
'licable) already filled in and the data from TechFacts as the bo' +
'dy of the message.'
'You can add attachments, change the recipient or subject or modi' +
'fy the body of the text. When ready, click on the "Send" button ' +
'to send the message.'
TabOrder = 40
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit43: TMemo
Left = 125
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Threads'
'Thread are entities to which the CPU will allocate processing ti' +
'me. Threads process parts or all of processes and can transcend ' +
'several processes.'
'Thread ID - The '#39'handle'#39' or identifier that Windows assigned thi' +
's thread.'
'Owner Process - The '#39'handle'#39' or identifier of the parent process' +
' of this thread.'
'Count Usage - The number of references made by the Thread, usual' +
'ly 0 or 1.'
'Priority - The CPU priority assigned to the thread. The higher t' +
'he number the higher the priority.'
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'You can get additional details on a Thread by Double-Clicking on' +
' the Thread Id for which you want more details.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'044 Heap information')
TabOrder = 45
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit44: TMemo
Left = 165
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Heaps'
'Each Process, Module or Object within Windows can dynamically or' +
' statically grab portions of memory to store code, properties or' +
' data. This memory is called Heap. Heap is allocated using '#39'bloc' +
'ks'#39' of memory.'
'When you select this option you will be shown a form with all th' +
'e heaps listed. Click on a specific heap in order to enumerate a' +
'll the heap blocks for that heap.'
'The Heap information gathered on this form is:'
'Handle - The identifier assigned by Windows for this heap block.'
'Address - The Memory address for this heap block.'
'Size - The number of bytes of Heap allocated to this block.'
'Type - The type of heap allocation: Fixed, Free or Moveable.'
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'You can get additional details on a Heap Block by Double-Clickin' +
'g on the Heap Id for which you want more details.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'045 Window information')
TabOrder = 44
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit45: TMemo
Left = 200
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Windows'
'Windows are the visible or non-visible entities under Windows th' +
'at displays information to the user. Non-visible windows may be ' +
'ones that are hidden or minimized or on forms that are not yet d' +
'isplayed. Windows include icons, status bars, menus and desktop ' +
'This option returns the following information about Windows:'
'Window Class - Class refers to the overall Windows grouping that' +
' created and owns this particular window. This can refer to an a' +
'pplication or a grouping of Windows within an application.'
'Window Title - The title assigned to the window. This may be wha' +
't is seen on a title or it may be a name assigned by an applicat' +
'Handle - This is the identifier assigned by Windows used to refe' +
'rence this window.'
'Parent - The handle of the parent windows of this window. If the' +
' parent is '#39'0000'#39' then the parent is the Windows Desktop itself.'
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'You can get additional details on a Window by Double-Clicking on' +
' the Window Class for which you want more details.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'046 Atom information')
TabOrder = 43
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit46: TMemo
Left = 232
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Spying on Atoms'
'Atoms are handles pointing to strings defined in the system atom' +
' table. These strings are available to be used by applications.'
'Atom # - The id of the atom.'
'Size - The size in bytes of the memory allocated to the string.'
'String - The string characters available for reference for this ' +
'The information displayed can be sorted by any of the columns sh' +
'own. To sort, click on the column name. Sorting may take several' +
' seconds.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'47 process heap usage')
TabOrder = 42
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit47: TMemo
Left = 272
Top = 128
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Process Heap Usage'
'The Process Heap usage function allows you to dynamically see ho' +
'w much heap each of the processes on your system is using.'
'Heap consists of blocks of extended and expanded memory that are' +
' allocated or freed statically or dynamically by programs and mo' +
'Invoking this function will cause TechFacts 95 to calculate heap' +
' usage, which depending on the number and size of your processes' +
', could take up to a minute.'
'When complete, you will be shown the following data:'
'Process Name'
'Total Fixed Block size in bytes'
'Total Free Block size in bytes'
'Total Moveable Block size in bytes'
'Total Number of Memory Blocks'
'You can print, save or copy the information to the clipboard.'
'Info Usage: You can estimate the memory usage and seek memory le' +
'aks by taking Process Heap Usage "Snapshots" before and after yo' +
'u run a program.'
'Compare the usage and look for blocks that are not freed and for' +
' memory allocation by unrelated processes.'
'200 the Detail form')
TabOrder = 28
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit80: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Action Functions'
'The Action tab provides you with several different activities wh' +
'ich can be used to modify, save or capture elements of Windows 9' +
'When you click on the Action tab you will be shown several butto' +
'ns. To select an action click on the specific button.'
'Program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are not ' +
'available for the action functions.'
'081 Termination Processes')
TabOrder = 53
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit60: TMemo
Left = 5
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts System Functions'
'The System tab provides functions that let you examine CMOS, Ver' +
'sion, Multimedia, Registry, Performance and Device Mapping.'
'When you click on the System tab you will be shown several butto' +
'ns. To select a System function click on the specific button.'
'All program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are ' +
'available once data is displayed for in the System Window.'
'Data in this window is displayed in sortable\sizeable columns. Y' +
'ou can sort the data by clicking on any column header and you ca' +
'n size any column by dragging on the column separation line.'
'061 Version Information')
TabOrder = 54
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit61: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Version Information'
'This function provides you with information regarding your syste' +
'm'#39's operating system version.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'062 Viewing CMOS settings')
TabOrder = 46
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit62: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Dumping CMOS'
'Your system manages settings of hardware, software, dates, times' +
' and specific vendor information in a hardware area called CMOS.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'063 Multimedia Devices')
TabOrder = 47
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit63: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Multimedia Devices'
'Multimedia devices includes all hardware connected to your syste' +
'm such as CD-ROMs, pointing devices, sound devices and accessori' +
'es. Windows 95 manages these devices internally. This option per' +
'mits you to view the list of WIndows managed multimedia devices.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'064 Performance data')
TabOrder = 48
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit64: TMemo
Left = 165
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Performance Information'
'Performance data about your system is managed in the Windows Reg' +
'istry. This includes data about your CPU, disk utilization, netw' +
'ork performance, etc. Unlike the performance monitor, this opti' +
'on simply takes a point-in-time snapshot which you can examine.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'065 Windows 95 Registry')
TabOrder = 49
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit65: TMemo
Left = 205
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Windows 95 Registry'
'The WIndows 95 Registry replaces the swarms of INI files that Wi' +
'ndows 3.1x maintained. The registry is contained in several high' +
' performance disk files which are accessed by WIndows 95 and mos' +
't compliant programs. This option allows you to simply dump the' +
' registry (by section) to examine it or search for specific info' +
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'066 Device Mapping')
TabOrder = 50
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit66: TMemo
Left = 240
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Device Mapping'
'When connected to networks or remote devices, Windows 95 may red' +
'irect your local device mapping (ie: A,B, C or COM1) to point to' +
' remote or linked devices. This may include CD-ROMs or Zip drive' +
's. This option dumps the Windows device redirection table.'
'Using the Menu or Speedbar you can: Print, Copy to Clipboard, Cl' +
'ear the List or Save the information to File.'
'You may also send this information via MAPI Email, Internet Emai' +
'l or Tech Fax.'
'067 devices installed in your system')
TabOrder = 41
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit67: TMemo
Left = 272
Top = 152
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Devices Installed on your System'
'This function lists the devices and drivers found in your system' +
' via their registration in the Windows 95 registry.'
'All devices such as cards, disks, cd rom, multimedia, game ports' +
', scanners, etc.. must use the Windows 95 registry in order to b' +
'e "recognized" by the OS and applications.'
'Since no device or driver has a specific data format we cannot l' +
'ist the data items listed, however the following data should be ' +
'common to most entries:'
'Class - The type of device, ie: Disk, Printer..'
'Device Desc - Description of the specific device or driver.'
'Driver - The Windows internal driver entry.'
'Manufacturer - Who made the device.'
'Info Usage: Use the machine data to seek incompatible devices, o' +
'ld versions of drivers or to provide a list of installed devices' +
' to your system'#39's technical support department.'
TabOrder = 29
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit81: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Terminating Processes'
'Though not recommended as a regular activity, you can use TechFa' +
'cts to terminate processes maintained by Windows. This may be us' +
'eful if a process is hung or if you want to determine how other ' +
'programs may react to a process terminating.'
'You will be shown a list of all processes. Select the one you wi' +
'sh to terminate and click on "Terminate" button.'
'Note: Due to the inherant security aspects of Windows 95, you ma' +
'y be denied access to terminate certain processes.'
'082 Unloading Modules')
TabOrder = 52
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit82: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Unloading Modules'
'You can use TechFacts to attempt to unload Modules owned by a gi' +
'ven process. You may want to do this in cases where incorrect ve' +
'rsions of modules are loaded or when you are testing how process' +
'es react to a module terminating.'
'Unloading a module is a 2 step process:'
'1. You will be given a list of all processes. Select the process' +
' for which the module you are seeking was loaded.'
'2. From the list of modules owned by the specific process, selec' +
't the module to unload and click on the "Unload" button. The mod' +
'ule list will rebuild and you will notice that the Count has bee' +
'n decremented or the module no longer appears.'
'Note: Windows 95 provides limited access to other process'#39's modu' +
'les. There may be times when TechFacts 95 can not unload another' +
' process'#39's modules.'
'083 Screen Capture')
TabOrder = 51
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit83: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Screen Capture'
'The screen capture utility can be used to capture all or portion' +
' of your desktop into standard bitmap images. You can then save ' +
'these images to disk, print them or use the clipboard to paste t' +
'hem into documents.'
'Choose from one of the 3 capture types:'
'1. Capture Entire Desktop - The whole screen (ie: 800 x 600) is ' +
'2. Capture a Specific Window - You will be given a cursor to pla' +
'ce over a specific window. Click on the window and the contents ' +
'of the frame and window will be captured.'
'3. Capture a Portion of the Desktop - Using a crosshair you can ' +
'rubberband an area of the desktop to capture. When you release t' +
'he mouse the area inside the rubberband is captured.'
'Once you have captured any portion of the desktop, the image wil' +
'l be displayed in TechFact'#39's display window and has AUTOMATICALL' +
'Y been placed in the clipboard.'
'You can use the "Print" button to print the image or simply past' +
'e the image to another application.'
'084 Saving CMOS Settings')
TabOrder = 57
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit84: TMemo
Left = 168
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Saving CMOS Settings'
'You can save your current CMOS settings to a disk file. This fil' +
'e can then be used at a later time to restore CMOS in case it ge' +
'ts corrupted.'
'You will be asked to select a file path and name to which CMOS w' +
'ill be saved.'
'085 Restoring CMOS')
TabOrder = 56
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit85: TMemo
Left = 208
Top = 176
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Restoring CMOS'
'You can restore a previously saved CMOS file so that it'#39's settin' +
'gs overwrite what is currently in CMOS.'
'You will be asked to select a disk file to restore from. TechFac' +
'ts has embedded special code in it'#39's CMOS file format to prevent' +
' non-CMOS type files from being restored into CMOS. You will be ' +
'warned if you attempt to restore an incorrect file type.'
TabOrder = 55
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit100: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 200
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Tools'
'The Tools tab provides you with options to watch changes on your' +
' system and evaluate Disk utilization.'
'When you click on the Tools tab you will be shown several button' +
's. To select a tool click on the specific button.'
'Program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are avai' +
'lable for the Tools functions once data is displayed.'
'Data in this window is displayed in sortable\sizeable columns. Y' +
'ou can sort the data by clicking on any column header and you ca' +
'n size any column by dragging on the column separation line.'
'101 Watching Your System')
TabOrder = 60
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit101: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 200
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Watching Your System'
'Many users find that programs they installing or running tend to' +
' affect their systems in ways that can not be controlled or docu' +
'mented. This option allows you to invoke a measure to determine ' +
'if any changes have been made to INI files, the Registry or any ' +
'files on local or network disks.'
'There are 2 modes of operation:'
'1. You can specify a program to run - TechFacts will take a snap' +
'shot of your system, run the program you specify and then take a' +
' new snapshot. A comparison will be made between snapshots and a' +
' report will be generated.'
'2. You can monitor ALL activity on your system. This may be usef' +
'ul if you are trying to determine whether your system is being a' +
'ccessed without your knowledge. Once again, '#39'before'#39' and '#39'after' +
#39' snapshots are compared for differences.'
'Follow these steps to invoke this powerful tool:'
'1. Determine whether you want to watch '#39'All Programs'#39' or enter t' +
'he name (or use the Browser) of the program you wish to run. Thi' +
's can be installation programs, ie: A:SETUP or B:INSTALL.'
'2. If you want to watch for changes to the registry then ensure ' +
'the checkbox contains a checkmark.'
'3. If you want to watch for changes to specific INI files then e' +
'nsure the checkbox contains a checkmark. TechFacts by default w' +
'atches WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI, you can add or delete from the li' +
'st using the '#39'Add'#39' or '#39'Delete'#39' buttons.'
'4. If you want to watch for changes to local or network disks en' +
'sure the checkbox contains a checkmark. '
'You can select which disks to watch by clicking on the disk name' +
's in the list box. Each click will toggle between '#39'Yes'#39', '#39'No'#39' or' +
' provide a drill-down list so you can watch specific directories' +
' only within a disk.'
'When you have made all of your selections click on the '#39'Go'#39' butt' +
'on. TechFacts will now make a snapshot of your system. This coul' +
'd take several minutes as it is recording values in your registr' +
'y and disk. The status of the snapshot is shown on the status ba' +
'During the '#39'snapshot'#39' phase, you can use the '#39'Abort'#39' button to c' +
'ancel this activity. If you do so, your system will NOT BE under' +
' watch.'
'Once the snapshot is complete, the abort button will display '#39'En' +
'd Watch'#39'. This button when clicked will end the watching activit' +
'Once the watch is ended, TechFacts will once again take a snapsh' +
'ot of your system. Again this could take several minutes. When c' +
'omplete, a '#39'comparison'#39' phase will begin and finally the results' +
' of the comparison will be displayed to you.'
'102 Disk Utilization')
TabOrder = 59
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit102: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 200
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Disk Utilization'
'This feature provides you with a tool to determine how much disk' +
' space directories or files are using on your system.'
'You are asked to choose between '#39'Slack'#39' usage - indicating the a' +
'mount of space the File system actually is forced to allocate fo' +
'r a file or directory and '#39'Actual'#39' usage which is the number of ' +
'bytes of information the file has.'
'To start, select the local or network drive to scan and then cli' +
'ck on the '#39'Scan Disk'#39' button. TechFacts will then begin a detail' +
'ed scan of all directories and files. This may take several minu' +
'When the scan is complete you will be shown a list of directorie' +
's and files at the '#39'Root'#39' level of the drive you selected:'
'Dir/FIle Name - The subdirectory or File within this parent dire' +
'Size in Bytes - the number of '#39'slack'#39' or '#39'actual'#39' bytes for this' +
' subdirectory or file. Note that for subdirectories the number ' +
'of bytes includes all additional subdirectories and files within' +
' that particular subdirectory.'
'Pcnt of Parent - This is the percentage of space of the parent d' +
'irectory. In the case of viewing a root directory this would be ' +
'the percentage of space on the actual disk.'
'You can drill down into subdirectories by double-clicking on the' +
'm in the list and using the '#39'Go To Parent'#39' button.'
'The list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.'
'103 Program Versions')
TabOrder = 58
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit103: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 200
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Program Versions'
'This tool examines all the programs on your system looking for s' +
'pecific version information that can be compiled into programs u' +
'sing resource headers.'
'The types of files that will be examined are: Executables (exe),' +
' Modules (dll), Virtual device drivers (vxd) and device drivers ' +
'(drv). There is an option to only request executable files (exe' +
') if so desired.'
'The other option will allow you to only show program files that ' +
'contain version information, otherwise this function will list a' +
'll files as listed above.'
'Once the search is complete you will be presented with the follo' +
'wing data:'
'1. Program Name. The file name, either 8x3 or long file names.'
'2. Program Path. The full path of the file.'
'3. Operating System. The type of operating system(s) the program' +
' will run on.'
'4. Version. The compiled version number of the program.'
'5. Company. The name of the software company providing the progr' +
'You can double click on the program name to receive full details' +
' from the version resource header, including trademark and manuf' +
'acturer comments (if available).'
'The list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.'
'104 Move It! File reference relocator')
TabOrder = 12
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit104: TMemo
Left = 168
Top = 200
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Move It! File Reference Relocator'
'The Move It! function allows you to relocate file references to ' +
'files or applications you have moved on your disk or onto other ' +
'local or network drives.'
'To use Move It! first physically move your application: Files, ' +
'Folders, subdirectories, etc.'
'Once complete use Move It! to change all references in INI files' +
', the Registry, Program Groups and Shortcuts to point to the new' +
' location of the files\application. Follow these steps:'
'1. Enter the File\Folder name to change. This must be a fully qu' +
'alified file or directory name. Note: the "Start" button will r' +
'emain disabled until the file\folder name you enter here is vali' +
'2. Enter the File\Folder name to replace it with. Once again, fu' +
'lly qualified and it must exist.'
'3. Select whether to scan: Ini Files, Registry, Program Groups o' +
'r shortcuts. Check the checkboxes that apply.'
'4. Click on the start button.'
'5. The search may take several minutes. As matching files are fo' +
'und they are added to the list.'
'6. You may abort the search at any time by clicking on the "Abor' +
't" button on the toolbar. You will retain the search results alr' +
'eady gathered.'
'7. At the end of the search you can sort the list by clicking o' +
'n the column headers.'
'8. To start the replacement process click on the "Replace" butto' +
'n. Click on the "Abort" button to cancel now without replacing a' +
'ny data.'
'9. When the replacement runs, each file will have the original f' +
'ile\folder replaced with the new one you entered. At the end of' +
' the replacement process a report will appear detailing every ch' +
'ange, update or failure that occured during the replacement proc' +
TabOrder = 16
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit140: TMemo
Left = 5
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'TechFacts Search Functions'
'The Search tab provides you with several different activities wh' +
'ich can be used to search for DLLs, Files or Duplicate files.'
'When you click on the Search tab you will be shown several butto' +
'ns. To select a search click on the specific button.'
'Program resources such as printing, refresh & clipboard are avai' +
'lable once files are listed after a search is complete.'
'When a search is started an "ABORT" button appears in the speedb' +
'ar near the top of the form. Clicking on the "Abort" button will' +
' stop any search in process and will display the partial results' +
' of the search (if any).'
'141 Searching for DLLs')
TabOrder = 64
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit141: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Searching for DLLs'
'The DLL search is used to display DLLs (modules) that are loaded' +
', referenced, unreferenced and duplicated on your local or netwo' +
'rk drive.'
'When invoked you will be presented with a drive & directory sele' +
'ction window. Use this window to indicate the first level of you' +
'r search for DLLs. All subdirectories will be searched. To sele' +
'ct a starting directory Double-Click on the directory name in th' +
'e list, it will then appear at the top of the window. When done,' +
' click on "Ok".'
'The system will then search for all references to DLLs on your s' +
'ystem, this could take several minutes, progress is shown on the' +
' bottom status line. To cancel the search, click on the "Abort" ' +
'button in the speedbar.'
'Dlls will be presented in 5 seperate viewing areas:'
'DLLs Loaded - These modules are already loaded on your system.'
'DLLs Referenced - These modules were referenced by a Program or ' +
'Module found on your search path.'
'DLLs Unreferenced - These modules were NOT referenced by any Pro' +
'gram or Module found on your search path.'
'Files Referenced - The search found these Programs or Modules re' +
'ferenced other DLLs on your system.'
'Duplicate DLLs - These files were found more than once during th' +
'e search.'
'There is a 6th viewing area located near the bottom of the DLL w' +
'indow. This area is a dynamic refernce area. If you click on a D' +
'LL or File found in other windows, then reference information is' +
' placed in this window.'
'You can use the "Delete Duplicates" button to remove any files t' +
'hat appear in the Duplicate files area. The Clear button on the' +
' button bar can be used to clear all 6 viewing areas.'
'142 File Search')
TabOrder = 63
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit142: TMemo
Left = 88
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'File Search'
'The File search provides a means of locating files on your local' +
' or network drive.'
'The following selection criteria are available:'
'Find - select the types of files to search for using standard wi' +
'ldcard representation such as "*.exe" or "abc*.*".'
'Where - Select the type of date to compare file date against, ei' +
'ther creation, last write or last access.'
'Is - Is the date "All Dates" or "> < or =" a date you will selec' +
'Get Date - use this button to view a calendar to select the date' +
' you are comparing against.'
'File Size Is - How will the size be compared? All file sizes or ' +
'"> < or =" to a size you specify.'
'Bytes - Specify the file size to compare against in bytes.'
'Using the Drive & Path selection box select a drive or directory' +
' that will be your first directory to search. All subdirectories' +
' of this initial directory will be searched as well.'
'Click on the "Start Search" button to begin your search. The sea' +
'rch can be aborted at any time by clicking on the "Abort" button' +
' on the speedbar.'
'When the search is complete the file list will be loaded with al' +
'l files that match the search criteria. The following informatio' +
'n is shown for each file:'
'File Name'
'File Path'
'Last Write Date'
'Creation Date'
'Last Access Date'
'You can click on the column header for any of these items in ord' +
'er to sort the list of duplicate files by that column.'
'The following functions are available from the TechFacts speedba' +
'r or menu:'
'Clear - Clears the current file list'
'Print - Prints a list of all files in the list'
'Save - Saves the list of files to disk'
'143 Duplicate File Search')
TabOrder = 62
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit143: TMemo
Left = 128
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Duplicate File Search'
'The Duplicate file search provides a means of locating duplicate' +
' files on your local or network drive.'
'Using the Drive & Path selection box select a drive or directory' +
' that will be your first directory to search. All subdirectories' +
' of this initial directory will be searched as well.'
'Click on the "Start Search" button to begin your search. The sea' +
'rch can be aborted at any time by clicking on the "Abort" button' +
' on the speedbar.'
'When the search is complete the file list will be loaded with al' +
'l duplicate files. The following information is shown for each f' +
'File Name'
'File Path'
'Last Write Date'
'Creation Date'
'Last Access Date'
'You can click on the column header for any of these items in ord' +
'er to sort the list of duplicate files by that column.'
'The following functions are available from the TechFacts speedba' +
'r or menu:'
'Clear - Clears the current file list'
'Print - Prints a list of all duplicate files'
'Save - Saves the list of duplicate files to disk'
'144 Icon Search')
TabOrder = 61
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit144: TMemo
Left = 168
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Icon Search'
'This function searches all files on your system for icons. Icon' +
's are compiled into programs however they are usually undocument' +
'ed. This function lets you enumerate them and determine which ic' +
'ons come from which specific file.'
'Select the drive you wish to search. You may also drill down to ' +
'the directory or subdirectory level by double-clicking on a driv' +
'e or directory name. The starting directory for the search is s' +
'hown above the drive selection panel.'
'After you start the search it can be aborted at any time by clic' +
'king on the "Abort" button in the button bar. All icons found to' +
' this point will be displayed.'
'Note that during the search it takes time to update the display ' +
'with icons found, so keep the viewing area as small as possible ' +
'and let the icons be drawn in memory for speed!'
'When the search is complete you can click on any icon to see the' +
' file name and offset of the icon in the status bar.'
'You can use the "Remove Marked Icons" button to remove icons fro' +
'm the list in order to trim down the icons you don'#39't want to see' +
'145 String Search')
TabOrder = 13
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit145: TMemo
Left = 208
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'String Search'
'The string search lets you look for any size string across all f' +
'iles on your local or remote drives. This function gives you se' +
'veral search options which can be used independantly or together' +
'1. Search Inside files. This is the traditional string search. E' +
'ach file on your disk will be searched for the string, including' +
' non-Text type files. You are shown the File name, path and off' +
'set within the file.'
'2. Search File names. All long and short file names are scanned ' +
'for the string. You are shown the File name, path, date and siz' +
'e of the file.'
'3. Search INI files. All INI files are scanned for the string. ' +
'You are shown the section and the key of the matching line.'
'4. Search the Registry. Search for the key within registry data' +
'. You are shown the Key, the Keypath and the related data contai' +
'ning the string.'
'5. Search Shortcuts and .LNK files. The reference to the string' +
' within the shortcut file is displayed.'
'6. Search Program Groups. The reference to the string within th' +
'e program group file is displayed.'
'Search Options:'
'- Enter the search string. It is not case sensitive.'
'- Enter the file search mask. Use traditional search criteria: ' +
'*.* *.exe abc*.* etc..'
'- Select the type of search as explained above.'
'- Determine the starting drive or directory using the drive tree' +
'When your selection criteria are set, click on the "Start Search' +
'" button. During the searches, the progress is shown on the sta' +
'tus line.'
'You may abort the search at any time by clicking on the "Abort" ' +
'button on the toolbar. Search results gathered to this point ar' +
'e retained.'
'146 Zip\LZH file search')
TabOrder = 17
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit146: TMemo
Left = 248
Top = 248
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Zip\Lzh File Search'
'The Zip\Lzh search tool allows you to scan your local or remote ' +
'drives for files that may be located within compressed libraries' +
' of the zip \ lzh formats.'
'To invoke this function:'
'1. Enter a file mask for the file(s) to be located WITHIN the co' +
'mpressed libraries.The default is *.*, however you can specify w' +
'ildcards such as readme.* or *.exe.'
'2. Choose the Drive and\or directory to search by using the prov' +
'ided navigator. The drive\directory you will search appears dire' +
'ctly above the navigator.'
'3. Click on "Start Search" to begin. The "Abort" button will ap' +
'pear in the toolbar and can be used to abort a search at any tim' +
'e and provide you with results-to-date.'
'The Detailed file data is as follows:'
'File Name. The file name within the compressed file.'
'Compressed Size. The size of the compressed file in bytes.'
'UnCompressed Size. The size of the compressed file when uncompre' +
'ssed in bytes.'
'Date. The filedate of the compressed file'
'Library. The Path and filename of the compressed library from wh' +
'ich this file was listed.'
'You can sort the data by clicking on the column header for each ' +
'You can print, save, copy to clipboard or email the data by usin' +
'g the tools on the toolbar.'
'200 Using the File Detail Viewer')
TabOrder = 30
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit240: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 320
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Glossary of Terms'
'Atom - A string allocated by Windows which can be accessed globa' +
'DLL - "Dynamic Link Library" This is a non-program module which ' +
'is loaded by a program. Contains forms, resources and functions.'
'Heap - An area of memory dynamically allocated by Windows or a w' +
'indows program. Heap is allocated in blocks and resides above th' +
'e 640k memory mark.'
'Module - see "DLL".'
'Process - This is a program, application or function that is run' +
'ning under windows. Similar to "Tasks" under Windows 3.1x but mo' +
're powerful.'
'Thread - An allocation of CPU usage. Each thread may contain 1 o' +
'r more programs. Threads determine the priority of CPU allocatio' +
'n a program receives.'
'Window - A visible or non-visible area on the screen that is own' +
'ed and modified by a program.'
TabOrder = 37
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit200: TMemo
Left = 80
Top = 296
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Using the Detail Form'
'The detail form is invoked when you Double-click on specific Tec' +
'hFacts information.'
'This includes:'
'1. Any of the "Spy" tab options.'
'2. Any other option that provides a list of files.'
'When viewing files you can switch between ascii and hex mode by ' +
'clicking on the "Key" image in the speedbar. Hex mode is not av' +
'ailable for "Spy" details.'
'You do not need to close the detail form each time it is used si' +
'nce the next invokation will cause the current copy to close bef' +
'ore reissuing it.'
'The detail form can transmit the data in it'#39's data panel via the' +
' MAPI and SMTP email facilities, if invoked and available.'
TabOrder = 39
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit300: TMemo
Left = 80
Top = 320
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Using TechFacts as a Technical Support Tool'
'TechFacts provides a powerful means to identify problems and res' +
'olve issues related to Windows 95 and the programs it is running' +
'Information that is gathered by TechFacts can be printed, saved ' +
'to file, copied to the clipboard and transmitted to other people' +
' using any of 3 powerful integrated tools:'
'1. MAPI Email - You can send data to other users on your same ne' +
'twork using MAPI compliant email. The TechFacts data is sent as ' +
'an email attachment to the recipient.'
'2. Internet Email - You can send data to other users via the int' +
'3. Tech Fax - Integrated fax. Formats data into fax data, dials ' +
'a fax number and transmits data to any fax machine. Requires an ' +
'internal\external fax-modem.'
TabOrder = 36
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit360: TMemo
Left = 120
Top = 320
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Known Problems and Bugs'
'1. During Logging of Process Heap usage while processes are star' +
'ting and stopping, a heap error may occur as TechFacts 95 may be' +
' trying to access heap while the new application is still alloca' +
'ting it.'
'2. "RichEdit Line Insertion Error". We are working on this one w' +
'hich has eluded us. Try the function again.'
'3. Requesting a Memo or an Email but the body of the information' +
' isn'#39't there. This is a problem where we are overutilizing the c' +
'lipboard. Try the function again and it will be ok.'
TabOrder = 65
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit8: TMemo
Left = 120
Top = 296
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Saving and Loading Configuration to a File'
'You can export your TechFacts 95 configuration from the registry' +
' to an INI style file by using the "Save Config To a File" optio' +
'n under the "File" menu.'
'This will allow you to customize a configuration which can be us' +
'ed as an import file to other users running TechFacts 95 or as a' +
' backup to your TechFacts registry configuration.'
'You can set your TechFacts 95 configuration by importing it from' +
' an INI style file containing valid configuration values. Use t' +
'he "Load" config from a File" option under the "File" menu.'
'You can also use the pre-load function from the command line to ' +
'load values from a file. The File may be local or remote and ma' +
'y contain any or all configuration values.'
TabOrder = 66
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit344: TMemo
Left = 168
Top = 272
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Listing Network Resources'
'This option provides you with a means of listing network resourc' +
'es as seen from the "Windows" layer of the network protocols you' +
' may have loaded.'
'You can list:'
'- Current connections. These are the devices to which you are cu' +
'rrently connected.'
'- Available resources. These are the highest layer of resources ' +
'available to you on the network, usually network containers such' +
' as Netware or Banyan.'
'- Remembered connections. These are the devices to which Windows' +
' will automatically reconnect when Windows networking is started' +
'You can print, copy to clipboard or save the information listed.'
TabOrder = 67
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit120: TMemo
Left = 152
Top = 296
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Viewing Configuration Data'
'This option allows you to easily view and search key configurati' +
'on files on your system:'
'TechFacts 95 log. The file where the TechFacts 95 log is written' +
' to.'
'Alarm log. When TechFacts 95 memory\resource alarms trigger they' +
' can have an entry made to this log.'
'2 user selectable files. These can be any text file such as bat' +
'ch or ini. Browse buttons can be used to search local or network' +
' drives.'
'When any file is chosen it is concatenated onto the edit form, i' +
'e: Config.sys would follow the last line of the Autoexec.bat. Th' +
'e edit form is refreshed each time a file is added or removed by' +
' clicking on its checkbox next to the name.'
'You can edit or add additional text into the edit form before pr' +
'inting, saving or copying to clipboard.'
'This option provides an easy means to capture and send configura' +
'tion information to technical support.'
'300 Using TechFacts as a Technical Support Tool')
TabOrder = 27
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit400: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 224
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'The Tweak Tab'
'The options under this tab allow you to view and modify your UI ' +
'settings. The options are similar to other tweak programs but pr' +
'ovide more choices and allow you to view the overall UI configur' +
'ation before changing it.'
'The Tweak Form is divided into tabs that contain specific settin' +
'gs as well as a view of the entire UI settings available to you.'
'You can use the provided buttons to "Committ" changes you have m' +
'ade to the registry, or "ReRead" the settings from the registry.' +
' Note that once you have committed changes to the registry, the' +
'y are permanent until you reset them. Some changes will not be ' +
'visible to you until you restart Windows.'
'The only exception to the rule are the settings on the MSDOS tab' +
'. These settings directly affect how Windows will run on reboot ' +
'and they do not get changed when you click on Committ. Click on ' +
'"Next" for information on modifying MSDOS settings.'
'401 modifying MSDOS settings')
TabOrder = 68
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object RichEdit401: TMemo
Left = 48
Top = 224
Width = 57
Height = 25
Lines.Strings = (
'Modifying MSDOS settings'
'The MSDOS.SYS file is located in the root directory of your syst' +
'em and is hidden from you viewing or modifying it.'
'TechFacts 95 has provided a tab under "Tweak" functions that let' +
' you view and modify these settings.'
'WORD OF CAUTION: Modify these settings only if you understand th' +
'e implications of doing so. We do not intend to explain these se' +
'ttings here, you need to either find documentation or talk to an' +
' expert about them!'
'When you have made your setting changes, click on the "Save" but' +
'ton. After confirmation, the new values will be written to the M' +
'SDOS.SYS file.'
'For backout purposes, before we update MSDOS.SYS we copy the cur' +
'rent values to a new file MSDOS.001. If you have to recover, cop' +
'y this file back to MSDOS.SYS and set the System and Hidden attr' +
'ibutes on it to TRUE.'
TabOrder = 69
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object ToolPanel: TPanel
Left = 350
Top = 0
Width = 107
Height = 401
Align = alRight
BevelInner = bvRaised
BevelOuter = bvNone
TabOrder = 1
object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Index'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = BitBtn1Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn3: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 32
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Previous'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = BitBtn3Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn4: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 56
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Next'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = BitBtn4Click
Glyph.Data = {
Layout = blGlyphRight
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn5: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 88
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Copy'
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = BitBtn5Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn6: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 112
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = 'P&rint'
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = BitBtn6Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn7: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 225
Width = 89
Height = 35
Caption = 'Re&gistration'
TabOrder = 6
Visible = False
OnClick = BitBtn7Click
Glyph.Data = {
Layout = blGlyphTop
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = -1
object BitBtn2: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 192
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Close'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = BitBtn2Click
Glyph.Data = {
object BitBtn9: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 136
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = '&Font'
TabOrder = 9
OnClick = BitBtn9Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn10: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 160
Width = 89
Height = 25
Caption = 'Open &Help'
TabOrder = 8
OnClick = BitBtn10Click
Glyph.Data = {
NumGlyphs = 2
object BitBtn8: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 259
Width = 89
Height = 35
Caption = 'Mail &Order Form'
TabOrder = 7
Visible = False
OnClick = BitBtn8Click
Glyph.Data = {
Layout = blGlyphTop
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = -1
object BitBtn11: TBitBtn
Left = 8
Top = 293
Width = 89
Height = 35
Caption = 'Fa&x && Email Order'
TabOrder = 10
OnClick = BitBtn11Click
Glyph.Data = {
Layout = blGlyphTop
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 2
object PrintDialog1: TPrintDialog
Left = 408
Top = 360
object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
FileEditStyle = fsEdit
Left = 358
Top = 360
object FontDialog1: TFontDialog
Font.Color = clWindowText
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